Legislative Priorities
To create an environment for business to prosper throughout Palm Beach County
As the voice for the business community throughout Palm Beach County, the Council identifies policy issues that impact the business climate and collaboratively works to shape the economic and civic landscape for Palm Beach County through public policy.
I. Workforce and Affordable Housing; Development
a. Understand the “Glitch Bill” for the Live Local Act and identify what we would support.
b. Support full funding of the Sadowski Housing Trust Funds for the SHIP (State Housing Initiatives Partnership) program and SAIL (State Apartment Incentive Loan) program without regard to prior caps (e.g. the 50% cap).
c. Support funding of the Hometown Heroes program (down payment assistance for front line workers) from General Revenues.
d. Support workforce housing programs for educators for all levels of instruction: K through Higher Education.
II. Education
a. Fully fund full day for all VPK students year-round.
b. Support funding for vocational and career-based training; funding programs through PBC partners.
c. Support the expansion of the public safety program to include an Emergency Response Training Center (ERTC) at Palm Beach State College to train students, municipal, county, state and federal first responders for emergencies and natural disaster relief.
d. Support Florida Atlantic University’s request for operational and PECO funding for the proposed College of Dentistry.
e. Support for Palm Beach Atlantic College’s LeMieux Center for the College of Business.
III. Water Resources
a. Support legislation that continues and increases funding for Lake Worth Lagoon initiatives.
b. Support legislation that continues and increases funding for Loxahatchee River Preservation Initiative.
c. Support legislation that continues and increases funding for Loxahatchee River Watershed Restoration.
d. Support legislation that continues and increases funding for septic to sewer conversions.
e. Support legislation that continues and increases funding for mosquito control and eradication of mosquito borne diseases.
IV. Infrastructure
a. Support resilient and connected strategies for innovation of all modes of transportation.
b. Support planning and hardening for resiliency.
c. Support waste and wastewater projects for The Glades.
d. Support the investment in State Road 880 East/ West.
V. Capital Resources
a. Additional insurance reforms such as lower retention deductible, utilize the CAP for reinsurance by using the reinsurance dollars currently in reserves and improve the Wind Mitigation Form.
b. Support pro-business and pro-growth tax policies vital to the growth of Florida economy.
c. Reduction in the Business Rent Sales Tax and Sales Tax on Leases.
VI. Healthcare
a. Potentially support LIVE HEALTHY future filed by Speaker and Senate President focused on workforce shortages.
b. Oppose additional cuts and direct funding for Medicaid.